Transitional Area Rugs

  • Kas Kauai 7454 Grey Natural Horizon Area Rug

    Kas Kauai 7454 Grey Natural Horizon Area Rug

    Kas Kauai 7454 Grey Natural Horizon Area Rug is handwoven in India of both handspun Jute and sustainably sourced PET yarn. Kauai rugs feature the natural fiber of Jute with the soft feel of (PET) yarns made from recycled plastic bottles. This...

    $469.00 - $1,719.00
  • Kas Darcy 2502 Ivory/Charcoal New Zealand Wool Rug

    Kas Darcy 2502 Ivory/Charcoal Wool Area Rug

    Kas Darcy 2502 Ivory/Charcoal Wool Area Rug is made of hand-knotted New Zealand Wool w/no backing in neutral colors of beige, grey, black and sienna. The plush ½ inch pile height has an interesting knubby texture and made in India. The best...

    $599.00 - $2,299.00
  • Jaipur Liberty LIB02 Reagan Area Rug

    Jaipur Liberty LIB02 Reagan Area Rug

    Jaipur Liberty LIB02 Reagan Area Rug is elegant and inspired by traditional Oushak textiles, this neutral taupe, gray and tan hand-knotted 100% wool rug offers a timeless aesthetic to modern homes. A fresh and muted gray color palette lightens spaces,...

    $1,780.00 - $10,215.00
  • Kaleen Global Inspiration GLB12-22 Navy Blue Area Rug

    Kaleen Global Inspiration GLB12-22 Navy Blue Area Rug

    Kaleen Global Inspiration GLB12-22 Navy Blue Area Rug brings you beautiful motifs influenced by décor from all over the world. You no longer need to wander the streets of Europe or Asia looking for that hidden gem, this repetitive medallion...

    $69.00 - $1,399.00
  • Kaleen Tara Square EVL03-75 Grey Square Area Rug

    Kaleen Tara Square EVL03-75 Grey Square Area Rug

    Kaleen Tara Square EVL03-75 Grey Square Area Rug is inspired by classic styles using traditional patterns and border designs that bring a feeling of class and sophistication to any room they are placed in. This beautiful grey wool rug is produced from...

    $149.00 - $1,399.00
  • Momeni James JAM-1 Green Area Rug

    Momeni James JAM-1 Green Area Rug

    If you want a rug that lasts, look for a style with plenty of versatility. The James collection by Momeni Basics is made of 100 percent wool and is hand-tufted. The heathered blues, gray, and sand colors make it easy to mix and match these styles with...

    $49.00 - $899.00
  • Momeni James JAM-1 Light Blue Area Rug

    Momeni James JAM-1 Light Blue Area Rug

    Momeni James JAM-1 Light Blue Area Rug if you want a rug that lasts, look for a style with plenty of versatility. This blue James rug by Momeni Basics is made of 100 percent wool and is hand-tufted. The heathered blues, gray, and sand colors make it easy...

    $49.00 - $899.00
  • Momeni Atlas ATL-5 Charcoal Area Rug

    Momeni Atlas ATL-5 Charcoal Area Rug

    Inspired by traditional handcrafted Moroccan rag rugs, this decorative floorcovering presents an updated take on tribal motifs. Chic geometric patterns, repeating diamonds and exotic icons are presented in soft neutrals and bold primary colors. Each rug...

    $149.00 - $2,999.00
  • Nourison Venosa VSN01 Blue/Ivory Area Rug

    Nourison Venosa VSN01 Blue/Ivory Area Rug

    Nourison Venosa VSN01 Blue/Ivory Area Rug classic meets contemporary in this hand-tufted Venosa area rug enlivened by an open and airy diamond lattice pattern. The soft, medium pile is an all-natural fiber blend of rayon and jute with cotton backing...

    $219.00 - $969.00

Rug Goddess has the best prices on quality Transitional Rugs. Many of our area rugs come in sample sizes. Offering on-site & virtual consultations in Tampa/Clearwater & Kansas City. Live out of town? Call for details….

Transitional Area Rugs

Transitional rugs are one of the most versatile home decor pieces because they blend with your other rugs or work as a standalone focal piece in any space. These rugs help homeowners match their decor while adding an element of luxury, comfort, and beauty to any space, from living rooms to kitchens.

Additionally, transitional rugs add a classy and luxurious look to the floor space with their charming designs and high-quality features.

What is a Transitional Rug?

Transitional rugs are an excellent choice for any space because they can help bridge the gap between different rooms and decorating styles. This rug style blends classic and contemporary elements to create a finished piece that goes with numerous furniture pieces and decorative items.

A transitional rug may have classic design elements with modern colors or mix them for a unique look. Many transitional rugs incorporate distressed motifs, colors, and stain-resistant materials into traditional rug designs for a more contemporary feel.

How Are Transitional Rugs Made?

Manufacturers create transitional area rugs in various ways, ranging from hooked rugs to those that are woven flat. As you choose your transitional rug, consider how it is manufactured and how comfortable it will be.

Hooked and Tufted Rugs

During production, the yarns are pushed into the base of the fabric to create loop-hooked and tufted transitional area rugs. The manufacturers then glue the rugs’ backs into the tufts to keep them in place.

The difference between a hooked rug and a tufted rug is the pile or thickness of the rug. The surface pile of tufted rugs is trimmed to create a velvety and dense pile. For hooked carpets, strands remain uncut to maintain shaggy and rounded appearances.

Hand-Knotted Style Rug

The warps, called yarn columns, are strung across a loom to create a hand-knotted style rug. Knots are then formed by weaving the tufts of wool around the warps. It is these knot ends that produce rug pile.

Each knot is individually woven in a specially designed loom to make hand-knotted rugs. A team of weavers secures all knots, ensuring that the rug is high quality. This means hand-knotted rugs are extremely durable and last for years.

Flat-Woven Rugs

Manufacturers create flat-woven rugs by weaving yarn along a warp yarn structure. As a result, the rug’s top and bottom are covered with flat yarn without knots. This technique also makes most flat-woven carpets reversible.

The most well-known flat-woven rug is the kilim, a traditional Middle Eastern design originating from Turkey. Kilims are often made with bright colors and geometric patterns to create beautiful effects.

Why You Need Transitional Rugs

A transitional rug is stylish and an excellent investment, making it a great addition to any space. Many homeowners use transitional rugs throughout their homes for a variety of reasons, including:

Brings Versatility

Since transitional rugs combine the elegance of a traditional carpet with the refreshing vibe of modern rugs, they can be adapted to any trend. Vividly colored or patterned rugs can create a stunning focal point in a room, while lighter color palettes and muted designs blend effortlessly into the furniture and other decorative items.

Transitional carpets are a fantastic option for those who prefer to change their decorating scheme regularly without spending a fortune.

Set the Tone and Mood in a Home

A beautiful transitional rug with a consistent design, texture, and color scheme can set the tone and mood of a room. Choose a transitional piece with modest designs and muted colors such as gray, aqua-turquoise, or blue. This transitional area rug can add a calm, peaceful air to a bedroom or a nursery. Or, add vibrancy to a dining room or kitchen with a red, orange, or yellow rug.

Timelessness and Ultimate Staying Power

Transitional rugs will stand the test of time and endure for decades. Any rug can last between 5 and 15 years, depending on the foot traffic. So if you’re looking for a piece that will last years, a transitional rug is an excellent choice. The longevity of these rugs means you have a long-lasting piece worth the investment.

Where to Place Transitional Area Rugs

Transitional area rugs can be placed anywhere in a house to demarcate spaces and create a sense of unity in your decor. These types of rugs can look great in a room with a mix of traditional and modern furniture. You can place them in any room of your home, but some rugs work better in certain areas than others, depending on the layout of your home. Here are some ideas for where to put transitional rugs:

Create a Pathway

A transitional area rug adds interest and uniformity when moving from one space to another. Consider having a transitional rug that picks up the colors between different mats in separate rooms. For instance, if a living area has a large rug with bright colors and the dining room has a muted rug, a transitional rug that shares a common color or pattern can unify the spaces.

Define a Seating Area

A transitional rug provides a visual separation between different seating zones in a room. For example, putting a coffee or occasional table in the center of a border rug with a simple center design helps determine where to place seats or a small sofa.

Placing a transitional area rug beneath the center of your dining room adds warmth, color, and texture.

Add Variety to Large Rooms

Two or more transitional rugs can add visual complexity to large rooms. In interior spaces, rugs of varying dimensions give a sense of variety and dynamism, while rugs of the same size divide a room in half.

If you want to give your living room a peaceful feeling, place a transitional area rug by the fireplace or at the room's entrance. Transitional area rugs can be placed under your coffee table or sofa for comfort and style.

Use Your Rug as a Wall Hanging

Having a high-quality and well-crafted transitional area rug on your floor and your wall is like having a work of art. A rug hanging on the wall like a tapestry is an attractive focal point that draws attention to the area in which it hangs. It can also be used as a beautiful way to decorate your walls while adding warmth to any room in your home.

If you want to use your rug as a wall hanging, ensure it's proportionate to the room and the other furniture. You also must ensure that it matches other elements in your house, such as accessories like lamps or tables.

Find the Perfect Transitional Area Rug for Your Home

The versatility of transitional area rugs makes them ideal for homes that want to incorporate art and comfort. These rugs can enhance the look of any room, whether used as floor coverings or hung art pieces.

At Rug Goddess, we have a curated collection of handmade, contemporary, and modern transitional area rugs. Find the perfect piece for your interior with our handpicked choice of rugs available.