Tribal & Moroccan Style Rugs

  • Kaleen Relic RLC01-53 Paprika Area Rug

    Kaleen Relic RLC01-53 Paprika Moroccan Style Area Rug

    Kaleen Relic RLC01-53 Paprika Area Rug embrace new life with this re-energized classic pattern featuring one of today's hottest colors! Hand-knotted in India of 100% wool, this orange terracotta wool rug is intentionally distressed and over-dyed to...

    $129.00 - $2,199.00
  • tan-7 red rug

    Momeni Tangier TAN-7 Red Area Rug

    Momeni Tangier TAN-7 Red Area Rug is inspired by a rustic outdoor lifestyle, combined with the nomadic motifs of traditional Kazak patterns, Momeni presents the Momeni Tangier Collection. Made of 100% wool that has been hand-hooked and tip sheared and...

    $79.00 - $1,649.00
  • Momeni Tangier TAN-2 Multi Area Rug

    Momeni Tangier TAN-2 Multi Area Rug

    Momeni Tangier TAN-2 Multi Area Rug inspired by a rustic outdoor lifestyle, combined with the nomadic motifs of traditional Kazak patterns. Presenting this colorful southwest rug made of 100% wool that has been hand-hooked and tip sheared and then...

    $79.00 - $1,649.00
  • tan-1 red rug momeni

    Momeni Tangier TAN-1 Red Area Rug

    Momeni Tangier TAN-1 Red Area Rug is inspired by a rustic outdoor lifestyle, combined with the nomadic motifs of traditional Kazak patterns, presenting the Momeni Tangier Collection. Made of 100% wool that has been hand-hooked and tip sheared and then...

    $79.00 - $1,649.00
  • atlas alt-7 neutral area rug

    Momeni Atlas ATL-7 Natural Area Rug

    Momeni Atlas ATL-7 Natural Area Rug is inspired by gorgeous hand-crafted Moroccan rag-rugs. Maintaining the authentic texture of the nomadic craftsmanship combined with today's geometric styles and natural, understated color palette. Hand-knotted of...

    $149.00 - $2,999.00
  • atlas alt-5 area rug

    Momeni Atlas ATL-5 Ivory Area Rug

    Momeni Atlas ATL-5 Ivory Area Rug is inspired by gorgeous hand-crafted Moroccan rag-rugs. Maintaining the authentic texture of the nomadic craftsmanship combined with today's geometric styles and natural, understated color palette. Hand-knotted of 100%...

    $399.00 - $2,999.00
  • atlas alt-1 area rug

    Momeni Atlas ALT-1 Natural Area Rug

    Momeni Atlas ALT-1 Natural Area Rug is inspired by gorgeous hand-crafted Moroccan rag-rugs. Maintaining the authentic texture of the nomadic craftsmanship combined with today's geometric styles and natural, understated color palette. Hand-knotted of...

    $129.00 - $2,999.00
  • blue indoor momeni rug

    Momeni Baja BAJ-06 Blue Indoor Outdoor Area Rug

    Momeni Baja BAJ-06 Blue Indoor Outdoor Area Rug has bold exciting color and pattern that allows the trend-conscious customer to create their ultimate indoor or outdoor oasis. Simple graphic patterns, machine-made in Egypt of 100% polypropylene, and...

    $33.25 - $623.25

Rug Goddess has the best prices on quality Southwest & Moroccan Rugs. Many of our tribal area rugs come in sample sizes. Offering on-site & virtual consultations in Tampa/Clearwater & Kansas City. Live out of town? Call for details…

Southwest & Moroccan Style Area Rugs

Area rugs are key pieces that pull the style of a room together. They can liven up any room, whether they serve as a decorative focal point or as an extra layer of warmth.

If you want to update your home, you’ll appreciate the vibrant colors and patterns of Southwestern and Moroccan-style area rugs. Area rugs in Southwestern & Moroccan styles from Rug Goddess are perfect for adding a bold splash of earthy color to your home.

Styles and Patterns of Southwest Area Rugs

Modern Southwestern rugs derive from Native American cultures and patterns introduced by tourists visiting the American Southwest. The Navajo, Arapahoe, and the Pueblo tribes in the Southwest wove blankets as gifts and symbols of affluence to other tribal nations.

These blankets were characterized by colorful earth tones, like rust, ochre, and indigo. The blankets also featured geometric shapes such as triangles, zigzag patterns, and diamond designs.

The late 19th century brought railroads throughout the United States, resulting in tourists visiting the Southwest. They requested familiar styles and colors that were later incorporated into the designs of the rugs, such as borders and oriental patterns.

Modern Southwestern rugs are replicas of the indigenous aesthetic from previous ages. A typical Southwestern rug features earthy tones, unique tribal patterns, and breathtaking designs that can enhance any room.

What Are the Styles That Go into Moroccan Style Area Rugs

The handwoven textile rugs of the Berber tribes in Morocco are the inspiration for Moroccan-style area rugs. The weavers in these tribes weave designs and symbols into the rugs passed down through the generations.

Traditional hand-knotted Moroccan rugs use natural wool in shades of cream, ivory, white, or neutral tones mixed with wool dyed with native plants and flowers. Each tribe adds its distinctive style and designs for rugs and other textiles inspired by their environment.

For instance, rugs from Morocco’s central province of Azilal use vivid colors and rich symbolic designs. Weavers from this region incorporate ancient symbols and images into their rugs inspired by ancestral myths.

Modern Moroccan-style rugs retain the cultural significance of indigenous tribes in their current designs. These area rugs are ideal for creating a rustic, bohemian aesthetic in your home.

How to Style Southwest & Moroccan Style Rugs in Your Home

Southwestern & Moroccan-style rugs typically use earth tones with occasional pops of color, so they work well with neutral color schemes of beige, brown, white, and black. These rugs can also complement boho styles since they mix modern and traditional styles.

In addition, homeowners looking to add more texture to eclectic and contemporary homes with minimalist furniture and decorative items can use these rugs to anchor a space by choosing complementary colors.

Some popular spaces to incorporate a Southwestern or a Moroccan-style rug into your home include:

Living Rooms

The bright colors and the patterns of your rug make it ideal as a focal point of your main living area with the sofas and small tables surrounding it. To create a more relaxing atmosphere in your home, choose a light-colored rug with simple designs that reflects natural light from the windows and provides softness underfoot.

You can also place an accent Morrocan-style rug in front of your sofa or chair for added comfort and coordinate the rug’s colors and patterns with other decorative pieces in your living room like throw pillows or blankets.

Dining Room

A Southwestern or Moroccan-style rug is stunning in the dining room with earth-toned walls and neutral furniture. However, to create a more modern look, choose rug colors like white or cream that complement darker woods like oak or walnut.


The earthy tones and striking patterns of a Southwestern or a Moroccan-style rug can make a bedroom a welcoming place for relaxation. Place the rug under the bed, approximately ⅔ the bed’s length, and add a leather upholstered bench and a miniature sheepskin throw to create a stunning modern Southwest bedroom.

Or create a luxe dressing area in your walk-in closet with a small Moroccan rug or runner. Paint the interior of your closet a soothing cream or crisp white, choose a white-grey trellis patterned rug like the Momeni Maya MAY-5 Ivory Shag Area Rug, and place a tufted bench with scroll arms in the center of the rug for a chic, relaxing dressing space.


Your kitchen can become more colorful with a Southwestern rug or a Moroccan rug. Mixing different styles of rugs and furniture is a great way to add color and style to your kitchen.

Use a Southwest-style rug to complement other design elements in your kitchen. Place smaller Southwest runners like the Momeni Tangier TAN-19 Black Southwest Area Rug alongside your kitchen island or in front of your sink to add a splash of color in a kitchen with neutral white or birch wood cabinets.

Shop Southwest & Moroccan Style Rugs Now

Soften any area in your home with distinctive Southwestern and Moroccan-style area rugs that make you feel comfortable at home. Earthy muted colors and captivating designs make these area rugs a stunning addition to your home decor.

Whether you choose a colorful Southwestern area rug or enjoy the feel of a plush Moroccan-style area rug, find your next area rug at Rug Goddess today.