Kaleen Rugs & Broadloom

  • Kaleen Brooklyn 5304-17 Brody Blue Floral Rug

    Kaleen Brooklyn 5304-17 Brody Blue Area Rug

    Kaleen Brooklyn 5304-17 Brody Blue Floral Rug is part of the Brooklyn rug collection in which each rug is unique and independent patterns conceived to highlight individual choice and preference. This navy blue floral rug offers a cut & loop pile...

    $459.00 - $1,499.00
  • Kaleen Brooklyn 5303-77 Delaney Silver Area Rug

    Kaleen Brooklyn 5303-77 Delaney Silver Area Rug

    Kaleen Brooklyn 5303-77 Delaney Silver Area Rug is part of the Brooklyn rug collection of unique and independent patterns each conceived to highlight individual choice and preference. This traditional tan wool rug offers a cut & loop pile...

    $79.00 - $1,499.00
  • Kaleen Brooklyn 5303-60 Delaney Mocha Area Rug

    Kaleen Brooklyn 5303-60 Delaney Mocha Area Rug

    Kaleen Brooklyn 5303-60 Delaney Mocha Area Rug is part of the Brooklyn rug collection in which each rug is unique and independent patterns conceived to highlight individual choice and preference. This traditional tan wool rug offers a cut & loop pile...

    $79.00 - $1,499.00

Kaleen is an international manufacturer of beautiful handmade area rugs. Headquartered in Mumbai, it has various international operations within the United States office and distribution locations in Dalton, Georgia. Kaleen has been in business for over 40 years and offers quality area rugs and fine wool broadloom carpet which is available in both custom area rugs as well as wall to wall carpeting, many collections are offered in 16 ft 4 inch wide.

Kaleen’s brand is more than a rug, it is a lifestyle. The company has over 3500 skilled Artisans utilizing their skills and resources to produce leading fashion-forward patterns, constantly evolving qualities, and trending & sellable designs. High-quality rugs with a luxury feel is what Kaleen is synonymous for day after day, year after year. Leaving no stone unturned they provide long-lasting quality, timeless classic designs, and high fashion décor for everyone’s needs.

Kaleen has been an AmericasMart award winner for their outdoor rugs, hand-tufted rugs, and flat-weave area rugs and consistently continues to win awards today. Their designs are offered in a multitude of sizes including room size rugs, runners, round rugs and square rugs which makes Kaleen the go to line for Interior Designers throughout the US and the world. Rug Goddess features the Kaleen brand and is honored to be a dealer of such a beautiful line of fashion area rugs.

Here are a few of Rug Goddess top pick area rug collections within the Kaleen brand: Kaleen Ali Rugs, Kaleen Alma Rugs, Kaleen Alzada Rugs, Kaleen Amaranta Rugs, Kaleen Alzada Rugs, Kaleen Amaranta Rugs, Kaleen Brooklyn Rugs, Kaleen Brushstrokes Rugs, Kaleen Casablanca Rugs, Kaleen Chancellor Rugs, Kaleen Colinas Rugs, Kaleen Cord Rugs, Kaleen Darya Rugs, Kaleen Dotson Rugs, Kaleen Helena Rugs, Kaleen Herrera Rugs, Kaleen Hoka Rugs, Kaleen Middleton Rugs, Kaleen Jara Rugs, Kaleen Lauderdale Rugs, Kaleen Marble Rugs, Kaleen Melange Rugs, Kaleen Marl Rugs, Kaleen Montage Rugs, Kaleen Middleton Rugs, Kaleen Mystic Rugs, Kaleen Palladian Rugs, Kaleen Pastiche Rugs, Kaleen Regency Rugs, Kaleen Renaissance Rugs, Kaleen Shazier Rugs, Kaleen Sikri Rugs, Kaleen Solitaire Rugs, Kaleen Solomon Rugs, Kaleen Taj Rugs, Kaleen Textura Rugs, Kaleen Weathered Rugs, Kaleen Tara Round Rugs and Kaleen Tara Square Rugs. 

Rug Goddess top wool broadloom (13' 2" wide select styles 16'4" wide) Carpet Collections within the Kaleen brand include: Kaleen Anegada Carpet, Kaleen Artemis Carpet, Kaleen Aspine Carpet, Kaleen Beach Bottom Carpet, Kaleen Beacon Hill Carpet, Kaleen Boca Carpet, Kaleen Breckenridge Carpet, Kaleen Bungalow Carpet, Kaleen Cambridge Carpet, Kaleen Capstone Carpet, Kaleen Cat Island Carpet, Kaleen Carrera Carpet, Kaleen Cotton Bloom Carpet, Kaleen Dynasty Carpet, Kaleen Eagle Point Carpet, Kaleen Eustatia Carpet, Kaleen Highfly Collection, Kaleen Highlander Carpet, Kaleen Jacks River Carpet, Kaleen Jost Van Dyke Carpet, Kaleen Leverick Bay Carpet, Kaleen Necker Island Carpet, Kaleen Norman Island Carpet, Kaleen Peter Island Carpet, Kaleen Road Town Carpet, Kaleen Saba Rock Carpet, Kaleen Sandy Cay Carpet, Kaleen Solitude Carpet, Kaleen St. Croix Carpet, Kaleen St. Martin Carpet, Kaleen Sundance Carpet, Kaleen Tahoe Carpet, Kaleen Trellis Bay Carpet, Kaleen Wellesley Carpet, Kaleen White Bay Carpet & Kaleen Winter Park Carpet. Contact our Tampa office at 352-503-9410 to order a cutting.

Click here to view some of our Kaleen Area Rugs……